Best of luck to seniors taking IB exams

Story by Prajukta Ghosh – Copy Editor
The class of 2021 has been quite disappointed with the extreme protocols implemented in the school building to maintain a safe environment, however, that is not the only case that has killed the buzz of the senior class. There have been a lot of instances including the cancellation of school dances and senior activities which hindered the normalcy in its entirety. And not to mention the flip-flops between hybrid classes and virtual learning just added to the annoyance and challenges the seniors could have possibly imagined.
“It’s been very interesting. It definitely wasn’t how I thought my last year of high school would play out because my dream version of senior year didn’t include COVID-19. Senioritis definitely set in, although virtual schooling probably made it even worse. I’m definitely happy to actually be back in the building because it provides me a small sense of normalcy,” Athena Thies, senior, said.
In addition, some seniors this year would also have to prepare and study for the IB exams that are scheduled to be held in May. The decision whether to call off the exams or not was put on hold for a while considering the pandemic, however, the student body has recently received confirmation that the exams are on for this school year. And according to the recent updates, there are going to be few modifications made in terms of IB exams for seniors during the May testing seasons.
“IB has decided that schools that count off for exams should offer exams, schools that are still under lockdown or online learning would not have to offer exams. For this year IB has eliminated some portions of the external exams where multiple papers exist, so in some of our courses there may be three papers and IB has eliminated in those cases one of the three, however, the internal assessment will continue the exact same way,” Dr. Robert Rossiter, IB coordinator, said.
So far the only thing we could and should wish for the senior group this year is they do an awesome job in their respective IB exams and ace all portions of the IB requirements entirely. A little encouragement to keep moving forward with full energy and complete enthusiasm is going to help them pull off the tests in a great format regardless of the situation.