Theater Department Prepares For New Show – Medea

Story and Photo by Giorgia Risoldi – Staff Reporter
Euripides’ Medea is the new show that Lee’s Summit North Theater is organizing for the Spring. The last show, Cinderella, had a lot of success as a musical, and this time students are going to perform a tragedy.
“I like to keep changing things up each year, partly because it’s good to have different options between, comedy, tragedy, classical, contemporary and that also for students who maybe wanna pursue theater after high school it’s good to give a wide range of different productions,” William Palmer, theater teacher, said.
The new show Medea, like Cinderella, will require auditions, both for acting and tech crew.
“Auditions for Medea will be Feb. 23-24 right after school. If you’re interested in doing tech crew, that’s Feb. 22 and you have to sign up for the interview,” Palmer said.
To participate, the only requirement is to be a student at Lee’s Summit North.
“Shows are open to anybody and everybody,” Palmer said.
The theater students have been busy lately. Last weekend, some students participated in a theater conference.
“It was in St. Louis in the Union Station this year. It went very well, we had really good showings with dances and improv,” Palmer said.
The students left on Friday and they came back on Sunday. Next up, auditions for Medea.