Auditions for the LSN Talent Show

Story by Talon Cleveland – Staff Reporter
The stars are lining up for the upcoming LSN talent show. Every year, LSN has a friendly challenge of the talents. The talent show will be held in the LSN auditorium April 27th at 7 p.m. Anybody can be in the talent show. All you have to do is audition. Auditions for the talent show will be held April 13 and April 14. The google form to audition is on the LSN online homepage.
“North has had the talent show since the school opened back in 1995,” Sara Witteman, English teacher, said.
Anyone with visually interesting talents should definitely audition for the talent show. Most people will most likely get stage fright getting in front of all of those people, but the LSN talent show is a non-judgmental show where you can be yourself and show off your talents.
“The majority are singers or guitar, piano, we’ve had dance in there as well,” Witteman said.
If anyone is considering trying out for the LSN talent show, make sure you practice. Lots of people will be trying out for the talent show with amazing talents. There are limited positions in the show so make sure you practice, practice, practice so you can claim your spot in the show.
“We usually keep it around 18 people so we have about an hour-long show,” Witteman said.
Even though all acts will be appreciated and acknowledged. There will be talents that will be better than others. The best acts and talents will receive a reward.
“First, Second, and third place winners get plaques,” Witteman said.
Come support your talented LSN classmates!