The Royals Come Back After a Tough Lockout

Story & Photo by Areesa Steele – Staff Reporter
With the Royals coming to the beginning of their season, it has been hard to get in the training that they need. The recent lockout has caused many disputes within the fans. A lockout is when the workers and management are in a dispute, so they want to force the parties to deal with the issues and get an agreement.
“I am happy to hear that the owners and Players Association reached an agreement. It was a relief that we will still get to have a baseball season,” Rachel Russell, English teacher, said.
Even though the lockout has come to an end, some have felt that what they have done was wrong and believe that they are using their money to take advantage of the players.
“The owners are making a tremendous amount of money and really taking advantage of the players,” Michael Russell, librarian, said.
The impact of the lockout is going to be huge with the players. Some believe that the lockout will impact the catchers and pitchers more. They are always the first to enter into spring training since it takes time and preparation to be ready for the major league baseball season.
“It takes time and focused preparation to be ready to pitch in the major leagues. We might see some lag in the early weeks of the season,” Rachel said.
The hopes and anticipations are not very high for this upcoming season, mostly because of the lockout and spring training starting late in the season.
“I think we will have the opportunity to build on something. I don’t know if we will make the playoffs this year,” Michael said.
Fans still love the Royals and appreciate the fact that we have a team to cheer on and represent Kansas City. As long as the team is thoroughly prepared for the season, they will do great.