The Fight

Story & Photo by Mia Fuller – Staff Reporter
The annual Pink Out Game between the LSN and Lee’s Summit West is making its way to the LSN’s soccer fields for the eleventh year.
For years the two schools have battled it out on the soccer field with an even more important fight behind it.
The fight to help those with cancer and the terrible ways in which it affects their life.
All of the profits raised from the game will go to the Stephanie Vest foundation who will in turn donate money to local families where there is someone fighting against breast cancer.
Not only does this game help fight the terrible effects that cancer has, but it also brings two of the district’s schools together: LSN and LSW.
Those interested in the game on Thursday, April 28th, can purchase tickets at the gate for $3 per student ticket and $5 per adult ticket.
Anybody who bought one of the Pink Out shirts from the girls’ soccer team will also get free entry to the game if they are wearing their shirt.
No matter who wins the game it is important to remember the true purpose of the game: to bring two schools together and raise money for those who truly need some help in this world.
Ryan Kelley, P.E. teacher and head girls’ soccer varsity coach, said “The purpose of the Pink Out game is to bring the 2 schools and the community together to support a local breast cancer foundation.”