Adkins Works Towards Personal Goals During Swim Season

Story by Lily Temple – Assitant Editor
Goals. Graham Adkins has serious goals when it comes to swimming. With hopes of being in the top three in both of his events at the state meet, Graham is working towards this goal at full speed. Having an impressive last two seasons at LSN, Graham is already off to a great start in his junior season. Being the North Kansas City Invite 50 Free Champion and having the #3 ranked freestyle time in the state are two of the many accomplishments Graham can already be proud of this year.
Graham started his swimming career as a freshman with his only prior experience being a recreational summer league growing up.
“I joined swim because my brother was a senior when I was a freshman and I wanted to do it with him in his last year,” Graham Adkins, junior, said.
Graham has been on varsity since freshman year. His individual swimming career has been very successful but he has also made connections with his teammates.
“I think the best part of the meet is watching my teammates get the time they wanted and seeing them excited and proud,” Adkins said.
While he is committed to the sport, making sure he prepares well for a meet by eating and sleeping well the whole week before, high school is where he plans to start and finish his swim career.
“I don’t think I will continue my swim career in college because it is six hours of training a day for division one,” Adkins said.
Graham Adkins is enjoying his successful swimming career while it lasts in high school while building friendships that can last a lifetime.
Photo courtesty of Thomas Faulkenberry