Fall Parent Teacher Conferences

Story by Abby Langle – Editor-in-Chief
The annual round of fall parent-teacher conferences is here. October 26th through the 28th students will not have school because of these meetings. Conferences have looked different for the past couple of years, like most other things, due to covid. Adjustments and tweaks have been made from year to year to make a system that works for everyone.
Students are off of school for three days because of parent-teacher conferences, however, there are only two days available for conferences, October 26th and 27th. Teachers have the 28th off because of the 12-hour days they work the two days before.
Partly because of covid, online conferences have been highly popularized. At LSN, parents have the option to either sign up for an in-person conference, where they come to the school and meet with the teacher face to face, or the option to meet with the teacher through a Google Meet. They have assigned day one of conferences to be in-person and day two to be virtual to make scheduling easier.
Parents sometimes wonder why they should come to parent-teacher conferences. This one-on-one time is beneficial because it allows the teacher and parent to talk and find out what they can do to help their student best succeed.
“Teachers will make themselves available to answer questions, address concerns, and provide additional support as needed for any parent or guardian who would like to schedule a meeting. Teachers reach out to students’ parents who have Ds or Fs in advance to encourage attendance and show up with grade reports and relevant information as needed for each situation. In some cases administrators join in to help teachers answer more complicated questions,” Steve Moore, assistant principal, said.
Parents are highly encouraged to come to conferences so they can learn more about their child in the classroom and play an active role in their education. It is a first step in making sure all students succeed.