Dr. Collins and What He Does for LSN Students

Story & Photo by Lily Temple – Assistant Editor
Everyone knows that LSN has a new head principal but many people may not know much about him. His name is Dr. Tim Collins and his connection to LSN goes way deeper than this year. Dr. Collins graduated from LSN in 2003. He was a football coach for two years before becoming a teacher and baseball coach in the fall of 2007. He held those titles for six years before being an assistant principal here for eight years, but last year he decided to take a chance on a new opportunity.
“Last year I decided to take a job that really interested me. I was the director of the online academy, then Dr. Meisenhimer retired and this position came open. I loved my work over there and the work I was doing in my area of focus but honestly, this is home, so I wanted to come home. I applied for the principalship and was lucky enough to get this position,” Dr. Tim Collins, head principal, said.
The adjustment to a new head principal can be tough but Dr. Collins believes he’s made the transition the best it can be.
“In terms of my personal adjustment to this position, it has been, I think, as seamless as it could be just because of all of the experience I’ve had and all of the support that I have from our staff and our students. I know a lot of them because I had them as an assistant principal so, pretty seamless and as few bumps as possible along the way,” Collins said
There is no doubt that Dr. Collins’ intentions as head principal are pure. Students at LSN do not have to worry with Dr. Collins as their principal because everything he does is for the students.
“Why I wanted to become a principal was because I think I’m going to keep challenging myself in my career to see if I can keep impacting kids, keep impacting the educational system to make it better if possible and make it work in the best way it can for students to be successful,” Collins said.
Talking to the principal of your school can be intimidating but knowing that he is in your corner and here to help you can make that a way less daunting idea.
“I just wish they [students] knew that they had somebody here advocating for them. I wish they knew that if they had an issue, we’re here to help you. I wish that they would know that they can come up and ask me a question when they see me in the hallways and my goal is to be in the hallways a lot,” Collins said.
Like any administrator, Dr. Collins has goals to help make LSN a better place for everyone. He is working with other administrators and staff in order to reach these goals.
“We are working on trying to create more community and culture with our kids and our students so that they feel more of a sense of belonging here. We’re just doing a lot of little things working towards making everybody want to be at school a little bit more,” Collins said.
Many people go through high school without ever speaking to an administrator. While that initially sounds like a positive thing because it means you have never gotten in trouble, that is not all administrators are there for.
“More than anything I just want students to know that we are here to help them and not here to always just punish people or give consequences out,” Collins said.
So maybe next time you see Dr. Collins or any other administrator in the hallway, don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and say hi so down the road, if you need help, you already know one person you can talk to.