Blood drive rescheduled for March 15th

Story & Graphic by Lily Temple – Assitant Editor
As everyone knows, school was canceled on Wednesday, February 15th because of the Super Bowl parade. What everyone might not know is that the blood drive was scheduled for that day and had to be rescheduled.
“I was communicating with the blood drive coordinator before the Super Bowl. We knew that there was a chance we would have to reschedule the blood drive, but the only difficult part was finding a day that they could schedule all of their employees since our blood drive is huge! Which is a great problem to have. We have teamed up with the Community Blood Center and rescheduled for Monday, March 13th so it is only a couple of weeks away,” Leza Palguta, NHS Sponsor, said.
With the change in date, concerns of cancellations arise. On March 15th, spring sports have started which could affect some people’s ability to donate with worries of practice later in the day or even games. However, that does not seem to be a problem quite yet.
“My concerns are that not as many people are going to be able to donate because of other scheduled events, but so far that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’ve only had two people cancel their appointments but those are already filled as we have students that already wanted to donate if spots opened up,” Palguta said.
This blood drive is the biggest school blood drive that the blood center has ever hosted. That is a title that LSN should be proud of.
“I am so proud of our students here at LSN. I’ve never seen such thoughtful and caring kids and I’m looking forward to a very successful blood drive,” Palguta said.