BSU Program Informs and Expresses Black Excellence

Story & Photo by Bailee Council – Entertainment Editor
For about six years now the Black Student Union has been educating students about the history of black culture through the Black History Program. This year BSU coordinator, Robin Gray, with the help of so many people and students at LSN put together this program in a way that reached and held the attention of the teen audience it was presented to.
“It had a lot of good energy, and I enjoyed learning the history of the step team,” Essence Martin, freshman, said.
The show consisted of multiple presentations and performances. Students like senior Johnasia Carter, who gave a presentation on the beauty and history of dance through step and the reason we have a step team here at LSN. And sophomore, Brandon Marshall took the stage dancing with his fellow step team members putting on a breathtaking performance.
“I’m not going to lie but we really started practice like a few weeks before, but I enjoyed it and it was a fun experience. We got to do a lot of things that we love to do and we really got to express black excellence,” Kelly Mutuma, junior, said.
Furthermore, two guest speakers joined the stage, each having a message to share. Megan Marshall, a part of the Jackson County Missouri Legislature expressed the importance of voting as a young citizen. How our generation is the foundation for the future. And Damion Cooper, who communicated with the audience in a relatable way. Teaching about morals for the foundation of life.
“Would you be proud of what you represent?” Cooper asked.
A question that could be answered by a variety of views.
Another performance was Gray reciting a poem “You So Black”, by Theresa Wilson , about the beauty and power, along with the stereotypes and struggles that come with being black.
“My goal is that students should be learning this in their classrooms, a lot of what we are doing in BSU should be taught, my goal in black history month is to basically let black students see that they are heard, that they are a significant part of our culture here at LSN, just to give them a sense of pride,” Gray said.
Throughout the whole program, a clear message was that the time is now and BSU and everyone who helped and participated, has done an amazing job expressing that and educating students along the way.