Students and Teachers Share Thanksgiving Traditions

Story & Photo by Isabelle Flood


   With October ending, everyone is getting ready for the chilly weather and holiday memories that November will bring. Excitement and anticipation for Thanksgiving have already started. 

   “We love Thanksgiving, we love all the food,” Leza Palguta, English teacher, said.

   Food is a staple in a traditional American Thanksgiving, but many people have their favorite dish.

   “I really like the fancy mac and cheese that we make…and the coconut cream pie that my niece makes is really yummy,” Palguta said. 

   While there are the usual dishes, such as turkey or stuffing, some families do things differently.

   “We usually don’t make a usual Thanksgiving dinner, we do like chicken and dumplings,” McKenna Caton, sophomore, said. 

   Every Thanksgiving is going to look different for every family. And with that brings a variety of traditions.

   “We always fry turkeys and we all say what we are thankful for after dinner,” Palguta said. 

   With so many fun things about Thanksgiving, it is difficult to pick a favorite, but seeing family is definitely a favorite for many people.

   “The best thing about Thanksgiving is the food and how yummy it is and getting to see all my family that I don’t get to see very often,” Caton said. 

   Although there are so many positive things about Thanksgiving, there are a few things that are not so appealing. 

   “I mean nobody likes the cleaning up part so that’s definitely my least favorite,” Palguta said. 

   The holiday season can definitely be stressful but it can also be very exciting. New memories with family and friends have already been made and more are to come.

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