Shooting Through The Bullseye

Story & Graphic by Talon Cleveland – Staff Reporter
Each November, LSN Archery searches for the best archer; state cuts are made at the end of January. If you are interested in joining archery and are hearing about it too late, you need to join archery club. Archery club is a no-cut club where anyone interested in archery can practice and meet new people. Archery is a great sport for anyone that does not meet physical requirements for other sports. All you need is a collected mind and a steady hand.
“My favorite part of doing archery is being able to shoot and have fun with my friends. I like archery because it doesn’t really have any physical strain. I like how it focuses on mental fortitude and keeping a calm and collected mind. This challenges me to do better and to just work on myself. I can also just be myself and don’t have to worry about if I’m physically fit and healthy enough to participate and shoot at tournaments,” Kiera Lor, junior, said.
Carrie Miller has been involved with archery for eleven years, this is Miller’s third year as head coach.
“The best part of coaching archery is seeing archers improve and gain confidence in their abilities…I am not nervous about this year. We have a great group of kids who always try their hardest,” Miller said.
The archery team has qualified for tier two for State in bullseye. Miller’s goal is to also qualify for tier two for State in 3D; shooting 3D objects such foam animals, at various distances. LSN Broncos strive to bring back every metal and trophy.
“My hope for this season is to just do the best I can and to have fun. This is my last year on the archery team as I have other accommodations and activities to do. I will be doing archery for myself and just to hang out with friends, but I won’t be on the school team anymore. My hope is to just help my team to be the best they can and to just have the best time I can before I quit,” Lor said.
Archery has been around for a long time, and has always been about precision more than strength. This sport is a great way to relax and calm your mind; a way to feel uplifted and concentrated. Anyone hoping to find a new hobby can email Coach Miller or find her in room 1301.