DECA Goes to State

Story by Areesa Steele – Editor-in-Chief
One of the many activities that LSN offers is DECA. DECA gives students the opportunity to compete in different business sections. DECA stands for Distributive Education Clubs of America.
“My favorite part is meeting new people and being able to travel,” Grace Masters, senior, said.
During the weekend, students of DECA got to compete at state. To get to DECA state, you have to make it past your performance towards judges. The score you get determines if you make it.
“I anticipate that state will be competitive. The people who don’t perform as well didn’t make it, so everyone is talented,” Masters said.
The score for your section is determined by multiple different sections. Test scores and role play join to make a final score. Although you are competing throughout the day, there is a lot of waiting as well.
“My least favorite part is the long days and sitting around,” Masters said.
DECA allows you to compete alone or with a partner. Having a partner allows you to communicate and support each other. Masters and her partner are competing in Marketing Management.
“Having a partner makes it much easier because you can come up with ideas that the other person might not have thought of. Bouncing ideas off of each other can make your score higher,” Masters said.
The number of people from each section that go to state depends on how many total competitors there are. The top three scores are guaranteed to go to state.
“My performance in DECA has been really good for it being my first year. Getting second at districts was a shock,” Masters said.
To prepare for DECA districts and further, you are given practice tests. Those practice tests are given to the students to help show them what to expect.
“My partner, Anni Spacil, and I are doing practice tests,” Masters said.
Over the last three days, one team placed for Nationals and will head to California. Even though the other teams did not place, the experience that DECA state provides helps students build a foundation for a career in business or marketing.