The Northern Stars Season Wrap-Up

Story by Abbey Euritt- Co-Assistant Editor/Sports Editor
After months of training and preparation for nationals and state, The Northern Stars just ended their regular season. At their nationals competition, the team had a quality performance, bringing home some awards.
“The girls did very well. They received 5th place in Team Performance and 7th place in Jazz,” Shelley McCain, Northern Stars Head Coach, said.
After nationals, The Northern Stars danced at the state competition and added to their awards collection. The team has been practicing and perfecting their routines for nationals and state all season.
“We polish and perfect every day at practice. We work on skills, we work on stamina, we work on emotion and overall performance,” McCain said.
Other than the variety of talent showcased on The Northern Stars team, they have many other qualities that make them successful. Not only are the girls teammates, but they have grown to be friends as well.
“The closeness and love the team has for one another [makes them special]. This is a very unique group in that they all respect and appreciate each other. A team will never be as strong as they can be if they don’t like each other off the floor. These girls adore one another,” McCain said.
As head coach, McCain’s favorite part of coaching The Northern Stars is building the girls into better dancers and preparing them for their future.
“I love taking a routine from the day we learn it to the day we compete with it. The transformation that takes place is magical. I get to be part of creating the magic. I also love the relationships I build, the mentoring of each of the dancers. I am helping shape them into adults and I hope they are learning compassion, work ethic, kindness, perseverance and class from me,” McCain said.
Now that The Northern Stars have ended their season, the next event is Mr. Bronco. Until then, the team will continue to prepare for next year’s season.
Photo courtesy of Danica Wise
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