Broncos Got Talent

Story & Photo by Talon Cleveland – Staff Reporter
LSN just had the 29th annual Talent Show. Sponsored by Bronco S.M.A.R.T, The Talent Show featured singing, hula dancing, bagpipes, and more.
“I think it went really well, we had more acts than last year and it came down to a couple points between first, second, and third so I think that means that the talent overall is better than we’ve had in the past,” Sara Witteman, Bronco S.M.A.R.T sponsor, said.
There were a lot of great performances that had the crowd jumping emotions. They were laughing, they were in awe, and after every act, there was a well-deserved long applause. Out of all the amazing performances, there was one that stood out the most, or sang out the most. That would be the first-place winner, Sarah Ference, senior, who sang Vienna by Billy Joel.
“Last year I placed 3rd in the school talent show so I was very happy to win this year…It felt great to get 1st place. I loved being on stage with the other winners and getting to know them all backstage before,” Ference said.
The Talent Show was a hit, but if you missed it do not worry because they will be back next year with even more wow factor.