Boys Swim is State Bound

Story by Ireland Lucas – Staff Reporter
The boys swim team has been preparing to go to the State Championship this weekend to finish off their season. The team has had great success overall and hope to bring that to the championship. Although they are competing in both individual and relay events, strong teamwork and morale are needed.
“It’s been really fun, I think that everyone has gotten a lot closer over the last year and it’s been a really good bonding experience,” Bryce Hopkins, junior, said.
The boys racing this weekend have been working hard and putting in a lot of effort to try to have the fastest time. They have been preparing all season for an opportunity in the championship and hope to take home a win.
“Just practice hard and make sure I’m doing all the sets that coach tells me to do,” Logan Shackelford, junior, said.
The State Championship can be challenging so it’s crucial for the boys to have a good mindset.
“Just staying focused, and not getting caught up if you have a bad race, and not taking that too seriously, and not getting too tired throughout the week since it’s gonna be long days,” Hopkins said.
The team will travel to Saint Louis, Missouri this weekend for the championship in hopes of bringing home a Bronco victory.
Photo by Franki Farmer – Yearbook Staff