Two Seniors Give Insight and Advice on the College Application Process

Story & Graphic by Kate Gerding – Editor-in-Chief
‘Tis the season for college applications, scholarships, and essays. Most seniors planning to attend college next school year face several due dates in the coming months. Although this time of year can be stressful, there are many resources to make this process as easy as possible. Avaya Hall, senior, shared how the process has been for her and what she might have done differently.
“I have applied to roughly 18 colleges. I am completing my last one this week, and then I am officially done,” Hall said.
Even if you are applying for one or two schools, many applications are very similar in terms of what they ask for and what they are looking for in applicants.
“They ask for a lot: extracurriculars, teacher recommendations, supplementals (additional essays), majors, extracurriculars you want to do, honors colleges, if you are pre-law/med, etc.,” Hall said.
After general applications come the dreaded college essays. While they seem stressful at first, there are many ways to make your essays stand out to admissions officers.
“Be as creative as possible. Do not write a step-by-step on how you overcame adversity. Maybe avoid the sports injury trope, but be true to yourself,” Hall said.
Jocelyn Heinecke, senior, also shared her experience with applications and her advice for writing college essays.
“Make your opening hook something unexpected that will catch the attention of the reader. The people who read your essay have not only read yours but possibly hundreds of other essays, too. Make yours stand out,” Heinecke said.
Amidst all the to-dos, it is easy to mix up deadlines. Both Hall and Heinecke recommend staying on top of each school’s requirements.
“Scholarship deadlines are important to keep track of, too. There are hundreds of scholarships with different dates for their deadlines, so keep track of them well. Most of the scholarships I have applied to are due in early February,” Heinecke said.
The most important thing to remember through this process is if you are true to yourself and your values, you will end up where you are supposed to be.