Annual Bronco Smart Talent Show

Story & Photo by Ireland Lucas – Staff Reporter
The talent show, hosted by Bronco Smart, was on February 27th. The acts ranged from singing, band performances, dance routines, and more. Students had to audition prior to the show.
“I did it last year and it was fun so I wanted to do it again,” Annika Hess, sophomore, said.
Those who performed in past years agree that the talent show is nothing to be scared of. Most of the time students are afraid to perform because they are scared they will embarrass themself in front of the school.
“The audience is really small so don’t be scared,” Hess said.
The audience was engaging and supportive of all the performers. Overall it was a really encouraging atmosphere.
“Watching my friends perform was the best part,” Amaya Cauruthers, sophomore, said.
The night ended with the judges declaring Annika Hess the winner of the show.