Lighting up the night and spreading holiday cheer

Story by Abby Langle – Assistant Junior Editor
Many families around the holiday season love to go see Christmas lights. There are so many cool displays and lights on houses around the Kansas City area.
The most popular light display in Lee’s Summit is Christmas in the Park and The Magic Tree. There are also many houses around the Kansas City area that put up cool light displays.
“I have been to Christmas in the park, Christmas in the sky, Powell Gardens, and lots more in KC and Kansas… Every year my mom, my cousin, and I go drive around Ward Parkway and find lots of Christmas lights to look at, there’s a neighborhood we always go to and they call their street CandyCane Lane,” Kinsey Gilleland, senior, said.
Usually Christmas in The Park and other light displays there are long lines and a ton of traffic.
“There was a lot of traffic on the Plaza, especially since it was a weekend. We also witnessed some crazy-long lines for Christmas in the Park – like out to the highway,” Stacy Collins, English teacher, said.
Whenever there is an outside light display many people wear masks since there are other people around. Wearing a mask is also really nice because it keeps a person warm whenever it is cold outside.
“Because of COVID we wore our masks anytime we were around people, so at Powell Gardens you walk around so we wore our masks,” Gilleland said.
Driving around to see Christmas lights is a tradition that many family and friends do. Many people leave their Christmas lights up till the new year. This also goes for Christmas in the Park, so there is still time to check them out.