The truth about Christmas in 2020

Editorial by Lily Temple – Staff Reporter
For many people, myself included, Christmas is their favorite time of year. When I was younger opening presents from “Santa” on Christmas morning always seemed like the best part. As I’ve gotten older it’s become less about the presents and more about spending time with my family.
2020 has certainly been a year to remember. With the CDC guidelines due to Covid-19, families were forced to modify their plans for Thanksgiving. It is looking like everyone’s usual Christmas plans will also have to change. In my family, my grandparents come to my house on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas day the rest of my mom’s side of the family comes over. This year, it will just be my parents, my sister and I. This will be the smallest Christmas I’ll have ever had and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Everyone has had to make sacrifices this year but it is only for people’s safety. As hard as it is not being able to see my grandparents, I know that it is the best way to keep them safe.
Even though there is now a vaccine being given to healthcare workers, this winter is expected to bring the worst of the Covid-19 virus. It is very important to listen to the CDC guidelines and wear a mask anytime you go out. Some people may believe that the virus can’t affect them but it most certainly can. No one is immune to this disease.
Christmas is a time for caring. Show you care by doing what you can to keep others safe. Usually spending time with your family is how you show them you care, this year, show them by staying apart or by seeing them safely.