When will we get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Story by Kaia Monaco – Staff Reporter
It seems ever since the Coronavirus pandemic began, the entire world has been asking for a vaccine. Now that the vaccine is here, there are even more questions to answer — what is in it and when people can get it?
The vaccine is made using the messenger RNA of a COVID cell, so the body can identify the cell and create antibodies to quickly destroy it. This is just how any other vaccine is made. The vaccine will be given in two doses, 21 days apart, in order to be fully efficient. So far, the only reported side effects are headache and fatigue.
“I believe the vaccine to be safe and intend to get it when it becomes more readily available to the public,” Syrena Saxon, school nurse, said.
The plan to get the vaccine distributed in Jackson County has started with frontline healthcare workers, long-term care facilities, and EMS/EMT paramedics, according to the Jackson County Health Department website.
As of right now, there is not much information on how the vaccine affects teenagers and children as the youngest test subjects for the vaccine trials were 16. Until there is more information on how the vaccine affects children, it is unclear whether they will need the vaccine or not.
“When the vaccine has been approved for teens and children, I support students getting the vaccine with the goal of achieving community immunity,” Saxon said.
Teenagers and children are currently included in the third and final phase of distribution labeled “All Missouri Residents”. Considering the state is still in the first phase, it will most likely be months until teenagers and children are receiving vaccines.