Virtual snow days

Story by Morgan Hubert – Staff Reporter
Throughout last year and this year, students and teachers have been doing the most to figure out how to keep moving through school and keep teaching students while the students are able to learn. With Covid-19, it has been hard but they found a solution. The solution being, virtual learning, otherwise known as AMI days.
Along with starting the school year fully virtual, they also made a new rule about snow days. The rule being, if the district has made an announcement for a snow day, we have virtual learning. We can have up to five virtual learning snow days before we do not have required work and they will start adding school days to the end of the year.
“I personally like the new virtual snow day rule. Last year I enjoyed all the snow days but since they turned into AMI days I like that we will only have five,” Ashley Farmer, freshman, said.
In the past, there had been many days added to the end of the school year and even though some students liked the snow day, they did not like making the days up at the end of the year.
There are times when teachers have planned to do something in person that can not be done online. Therefore, they have to give alternate work or no work at all.
“I feel like it is much less work compared to being in school,” said Famer.
Even though school will be online through the AMI days, teachers might now give as much work as they usually would. This causes teachers to have to fit more things into their schedule since no more school days are added at the end of the year.
This school year has brought many new ideas including virtual snow days, and it looks like it will be sticking around for a while.