Innovation Track: putting you on the road to success

Story by Katie Langle – Junior Editor
If you want college credit at an affordable price, Innovation Track might be the right fit for you. The Innovation Track gives students a way to earn up to 30 hours of college credit at Longview Community College. These courses count for both high school and college credit. All credits transfer directly to any public two and four-year university.
“[I joined the Innovation Track because] it was a way for me to only attend high school part-time as a junior. It also allows me to complete college credits for a lot lower price than if I were to take them at a university,” Sophie Richardson, junior, said.
The Innovation Track has a variety of benefits that come with it. One of the major benefits of the Innovation Track is the cost. Innovation Track allows students to take classes for $53.50 per credit hour. The regular tuition rate is $107 per credit hour. Qualifying students also receive free textbooks and tuition. If Transportation is a problem, students have the option to ride the bus from Lee’s Summit North to Longview.
There are a few requirements to join this program. Students must be a junior or senior and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. A qualifying ACT or Accuplacer score is also required. Students must submit an application to be considered.
“I believe LSN set a deadline for Feb. 24th. However, I will take applications later. I would like students to apply early so we can meet during enrollment conferences (March 9-11) to discuss classes. MCC class enrollment for Fall 2021 opens the first week of April. I want students to get first choice of classes,” Erin Barnett, LSR7 Innovation Track Coordinator, said.
If you are interested but missed the open house on February 9, an informational video can be found on the LSN enrollment page. More information about the Innovation Track can also be found on the Innovation Track’s website.