New Development in LS: Streets of West Pryor

Story by Lily Temple – Staff Reporter
Recently there have been many new developments built in Lee’s Summit. One of the main developments is called “The Streets of West Pryor.” This development is off of Pryor Road near Chipman. It is still in the process of being built but it currently has a McKeevers grocery store, a First Watch, a Firebirds, a Bibi Bop, and a Starbucks. This area is right next to the neighborhoods Summerfield and Bent Tree Bluffs.
Along with the restaurants, there are several apartment buildings being built near the neighborhoods. Some of these buildings will include retail on the bottom floors which will add even more shopping to that side of Lee’s Summit.
Many of the residents in the surrounding neighborhoods are happy with all of these new restaurants and the retail that is coming soon.
“I really like the new development off of Pryor because it gives us more eating and shopping opportunities. Although traffic is more prominent near our neighborhood, we now have more restaurants to choose from,” Paige Woolf, junior, said.
With these new restaurants and storefronts being right next to the neighborhood, it is extremely convenient for the residents. Running to the grocery store is simple when it’s a two-minute drive. They are taking advantage of the new restaurants and the grocery store before they get super crowded.
“We go to McKeevers to get small stuff and it is so convenient. There are not that many people in there right now so it makes it super easy to social distance,” Jonathan Krinke, choir director, said.
Although there will be some things that take getting used to like the traffic and the new apartment buildings next to the neighborhood, overall, most residents are very happy with these new changes.
“We are really excited about having all of that near our home. We’re also hoping that it helps our resale value whenever we decide to sell our house someday,” Krinke said.
This new development will not only benefit the lives of the people close to it but every resident of Lee’s Summit.