French Club Frenzy

Story by Talon Cleveland – Staff Reporter
The French Club is a club that celebrates cultural diversity and having fun.
Nicole Morris, French teacher, has been the sponsor of the French Club five years running.
“Joining the French Club is an easy process. All you have to do is show up to a meeting and bring $5 if you want snacks,” Morris said.
The French Club does many activities such as fundraisers, Christmas community givings, crepe contests, movie nights, etc.
“There are times when we go to Lee’s Summit West and join in on one of their movie nights,” Morris said
“It’s fun just to do stuff that’s not language specific like in class, we celebrate culture, food and meeting new people,” Morris said.
The French Club is also tied to the French Honor Society. The French Honor Society is a community that helps students get into college, and it is not something just anybody can join.
Only students in or above French 3 can be recruited to join the French Honor Society. Students in the French Honor Society get points for going to the French Club meeting or going somewhere France-themed.
“The best students in the French Honor Society are eligible for a scholarship,” Morris said.
For more information on French Club, stop by Ms. Morris’ room, 2171.
Photo courtesy of French Club.