A Cinderella Story

Story by Mia Fuller and Emma Brents – Staff Reporters


  Show week. These two words resonate with actors, crew members, directors, and fans of theater alike almost everywhere. 

   This is no different for this year’s magical cast of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella and show week for them is fast approaching.  

   The leading man starring opposite of Addi Collins, who plays the beautiful Cinderella, is Joel Kilgore, a senior, who plays the charming Prince Christopher. 

   While Kilgore is still excited to be one of the lead roles of the show for the first time in his career, he still acknowledges the importance of being in the ensemble, having been it himself. 

   “…..each one of the ensemble members has to be in character and maintaining that flow and rhythm of the scene or the whole thing could fall apart with just one person….. There is a lot of responsibility on every single person in the show,” Kilgore said. 

   As show week approaches, Kilgore reflects on the challenges that come with being in a lead role. 

   “…..it’s easy to kinda slip in and out of character.  And kinda lose the mentality while you’re on stage….. Making sure the audience is engaged, it’s difficult, it’s a marathon, it’s endurance,” Kilgore said. 

   Just as Cinderella can’t be mentioned without the thought of Prince Charming, the classic fairytale can’t be mentioned without thinking of one of the most infamous duos of all time, Cinderella’s wicked stepsisters. 

   This production’s version of the stepsisters are ironically named Grace and Joy. Wicked stepsister Grace is played by Sarah Keary, senior.  

   Keary is already used to playing big roles in theater shows, having starred as Scrooge’s old fiancée in A Christmas Carol, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t challenges that come with a lead role. 

   For example, being one half of the stepsister duo means that Keary will be sharing all of her scenes with someone else. 

   “…..there’s not a single scene that I don’t do with Halle [Joy] ….. you kinda have to play off of each other and make sure you’re giving the same energy……” Keary said. 

   An element that Keary is excited for is the chance to portray an almost villainous character as a stepsister.

   “… it’s fun to be a little mean sometimes,”  Keary said. 

   The make or break of the show comes down to the ensemble, one of the most important pieces of a production.

  One of the responsibilities that come with being in the ensemble for Mahina Tovey, junior, includes figuring out what kind of character she wants to portray during the show, even if it’s just funny and silly little details. 

   “I think like most people [I hope] that [the show] goes smoothly, but so far it has been a lot of fun…” Tovey said. 

   Another fact that Tovey enjoys about being in the ensemble is that it provides the chance to make new friends and strengthen relationships. 

   Sadly this coming production could be the final curtain call for some of our seniors. Knowing that this is only high school, the four years come and go in moments and it is bittersweet. 

   Though Kilgore has this final saying on his and everyone’s high school career, “High school is a place where you can try things that are smaller versions of professional arenas, but once you’re done that’s it.  You move on to the real world……” Kilgore said.  


Photo by Emma Brents

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