Courtwarming 2022 in Winter Wonderland

Story and Photo by Lily Temple – Assistant Editor
This week marks the beginning of the 2022 Courtwarming festivities. This year’s theme is Winter Wonderland. The pep assembly will be on Friday, Jan. 14 after the completion of all finals. Then, the dance will be the following day, Saturday, Jan. 15.
Courtwarming is usually an event that about 500 people attend. This year, with all of the things going on with Covid-19 and the newly reinstated mask mandate, STUCO’s expectations are more around 300-400 people in attendance. Caroline Caldwell, a freshman at LSN, is looking forward to going with her friends.
“I am excited to go to the dance and hang out with my friends. I don’t really know what to expect since I’ve never been, but I hope it’ll be fun,” Caldwell said.
Tickets will be for sale at lunch all this week or you can purchase them at the door. Throughout this week there will be spirit days with a different theme for each day. Monday is PJ Day, Tuesday is Ski Day, Wednesday is Sweater Day, Thursday is Winter White Out Day, and Friday is Crimson/Silver Day. If you have any questions about courtwarming you can visit the courtwarming website linked on the school website.