Getting to Know Mr. Melton

Story and Photo by Areesa Steele – Staff Reporter
Dewyane Melton has an important role at school, but his job before coming to the school had a big effect on his life.
“I did 20 years in the marine corps. Worked for the Lee’s Summit Police Department and worked for them for 16 years,” Melton said.
His role in the police department was patrol, training the officers, and crisis intervention with people with mental issues. He knew that he was going to do something else after, but he didn’t know exactly what. When the opportunity came, he knew he couldn’t pass it up.
He has been a part of the Lee’s Summit North staff for four full years. Melton’s job as an LSN staff member is to roam and make sure the hallways are clear and to be here for everyone. He is also known as a campus supervisor. His schedule is busy compared to some staff members, and his steps show that.
“I did 1.3 miles and 2500 steps and it’s not even 8 o’clock. On a good day I would probably do 4.5 miles,” Melton said.
He comes across a lot of students each day, and encountering stupidity or no common sense makes him angry.
Most people know Mr. Melton inside of school, but outside of school, he participates in his community and life.
“I am a foodie, I’m a part of a barbeque team,” Melton said.
Most importantly, he loves to enjoy life. To him, he has a special way of keeping a connection with the students.
“Talking with them, enjoying life and seeing what’s going on. Making sure when I see a frown I am putting a smile on their face,” Melton said.