An Adventure to Europe

Story by Giorgia Risoldi – Staff Reporter
Dr. Michele Branch, a Lee’s Summit North English teacher, organized a school trip to Europe that was supposed to be during spring break. Unfortunately, due to many unforeseen issues, the trip was canceled.
“There were too many concerns about vaccinations and the students getting boosters in time. There were concerns about getting quarantined and if a student tested positive we would all have to stay behind. There were just a lot of problems,” Branch said.
The trip included a lot of places to visit.
“We were supposed to go to: London, Paris, Venice, Rome, Pompeii, Sorrento,” Branch said.
Luckily, the trip was rescheduled for this summer and there are a few changes on the destinations.
“It will start out in Italy, we are going to do: Milan, Venice, Rome, Pompeii and the Sorrento area, Capri island. Then we are flying to Athens and we are getting on a boat to go to some of the Greek islands. We will also have a stop in Turkey,” Branch said.
The company Branch is leaving with is EF.
“I organized it with EF tours. They are a really strong company that has trips for adults, girl scouts and exchange programs and then of course, student tours. This is more of an adult trip and we have two students going with us,” Branch said.
The new trip will be from Jun. 3 to Jun. 21, and the cost is around $7,000.