A balancing act

Story & Photo by Mia Fuller – Staff Reporter
When one turns 16 there are usually staples that come with it, like getting a driver’s license, having a sweet 16, and getting one’s first job.
Nearly 30% of high school students end up having a job somewhere throughout their high school career. This is no different for Rory Matthews, sophomore, who has been working at Nothing Bundt Cakes for the past couple of months.
Though it is not always easy for them to balance both work and school. Matthews not only has a job, but they are also an active part of the school’s theatre community as one of the stars of the spring production of Medea.
Matthews spends around four hours a week working on theatre and spends most of their other time either working or spending time with friends.
A key to Matthews’ success is that they spend time at school, when available, to work on homework. That way they can spend more time with their friends when they are not working.
While at times it can be a bit stressful for Matthews to balance everything in their life, it is worth it in the end, when they can take a moment to kick back, relax and spend time with their friends.
“My work closes early, which is nice because I get those few [extra] hours. I normally make time to spend with friends,” Matthews said.
In the end, motivation is a key factor in how Matthews is able to fully invest their time in both their school and work life, but it is not always easy.
“Sometimes you [just] have to find when you can take a break,” Matthews said.
Working and school are both important, but Matthews acknowledges the importance of taking a break sometimes too.