French Club Gets Students Involved and Learning About Different Cultures

Story and Photo by Kate Gerding – Staff Reporter
As a high schooler, it is very important to get involved with things at school. Just think of something you like to do, and there is probably a club for it. A unique opportunity like this is French Club. Nicole Morris and Maddi Acton share the ins and outs of each meeting and what being a part of French Club means.
Morris is the club sponsor. She recalls what it was that drew her to French in the first place.
“Since I was a foreign exchange student, I think being immersed and knowing people got me interested in learning the language,” Morris, french teacher, said.
Although she was not the original founder, Morris says French Club has been around for as long as she has been here.
“It was passed on to me about eight years ago, so as long as I’ve known,” Morris said.
Morris said there are many things she likes about French Club, but there were some that stood out in particular.
She said, “I feel like in class it’s always about the language, and so it’s nice to have a time where we can enjoy the culture. It’s fun to see students outside of class wondering about cultural things.”
Morris then gave a quick overview of what things they do at each meeting.
“We’ve started to do festivals and food, and games, things that you can discover from different parts of the world,” Morris said.
However, Morris is not the only one organizing the meetings. Maddi Acton, a sophomore, is the Treasurer of French Club.
Acton said, “I tried doing some last year, but I didn’t come to every meeting, I only went to a few. But this year, I’m really going to be in it because I’m the treasurer.”
As a French Club officer, she has several tasks to make sure things run smoothly.
“I keep count of the money and make sure everyone has paid. The money goes towards food and activities,” Acton said.
Many would agree the best part of the club is the food.
Morris said, “Typically we have coffee, tea, sometimes we’ll have juice. Different french foods like crepes, croissants, galette (cake).”
Acton had some similar favorites when it came to food, too.
“We had something really good last time, there was pudding, bread, and I also really love the croissants,” Acton said.
Finally, like any other club, French Club is more than welcoming to new people. There’s a website and other resources where students can access more information.
“We have posters around that tell people about meetings, really any french students are welcome to join in,” Acton said.
Both Morris and Acton are looking forward to French club this year and what it has to offer.
Morris said, “There will be lots of lots of good ideas and I’m excited to work with new people.”