Homecoming Parade in Downtown Lee’s Summit

Story by Mia Gatti – Sports/Feature Editor
The 2022 Homecoming parade was a success. All of the activities, sports, clubs etc., were involved in this fun celebration. All of the activity floats lined up in downtown Lee’s Summit at 4p.m. on September 23 to start the festivity. All of the Homecoming Royalty were in the parade as well, along with their escorts.
Everyone had a lot of fun being together on Friday afternoon to start the weekend off strong. All floats and cars threw candy to the kids that came to the streets of downtown. Families and friends lined the streets to support all of the fall activities and sports that were involved. The weather was perfect for the start of fall and to begin the fun night. This kicked off a great night leading to the party in the parking lot and a competitive football game.
Photo courtesy of Ryan Kelley