Student Takes Yearly Visit to Oktoberfest

Story by Abbey Euritt – Staff Reporter
As September rolls around, students, and residents of Lee’s Summit make the outing to the yearly two-day event of Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest is held in downtown Lee’s Summit and is a favorite for many people who attend. The event is home to delicious food, countless activities, and catching up with friends. Each year, Oktoberfest has new activities and more people that attend to make memories.
People of all ages attend the traditional event hosted on September 23, and 24 this year, including many LSN students. One student, Kylie Sibbing, sophomore, is attending for her fifth year in a row, and is excited about the festivities that are available.
“You can go watch the dancers or people sing, participate in eating competitions, and the games,” Sibbing said.
Though many activities are hosted at Oktoberfest, certain things remain the highlight of many people’s visit. At the event, there are many rides, food options, and a variety of entertainment readily available to everyone.
“I recommended the funnel cake, the big corn dogs, or turkey legs,” Sibbing said.
The Oktoberfest is a favorite place for many Lee’s Summit residents, and it is a tradition that many people look forward to all year. Though the event is a fun time for most people who attend, safety is always something to keep in mind anywhere.
Five-year visitor, Sibbing said, “Keep track of the people you’re with because you can lose people very easily”.
Overall, many people look forward to Oktoberfest weekend and recommend the family event to others. The festival undergoes many excitements for a variety of ages. Sibbing has a lot of positive things to add about the event and even recommends it to new people who might be interested.
“It’s a lot of fun, and it’s something to do on the weekend with friends,” Sibbing said.
The city of Lee’s Summit takes pride in the Oktoberfest festival, as well as the people who come. The festival is a memorable experience to celebrate, enjoy activities, and spend time with others.
Photo by Mia Fuller – News Editor