Calling All Book Lovers

Story & Photo by Kate Gerding – Staff Reporter
Whether you are an avid reader or just like talking about books, this club just might be the way to go. On the second Friday of each month, the book club meets in the LMC. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join. This year Avaya Hall, a sophomore, is the leader of book club. She recently took over after the previous leader graduated.
“What we’re supposed to do is read the book, and find activities where we can get to know each other,” Hall said.
The book club tries to be inclusive and make sure everyone is involved.
“We really want to avoid like the ‘cliques’ within groups, so we try to get to know each other, everyone sits together,” Hall said.
Depending on what books they read that month, the discussions might look a little different.
“Some meetings we can get really in depth of the book club book of the month. Sometimes the people in the group don’t enjoy it that much so then we just have normal book club talks about our favorite books,” Hall said.
Based on what month it is, they also do different themed activities.
“If it’s a part of a certain month, like fall we’ll talk about fall books or like this month we’re talking about Halloween books because it’s October,” Hall said.
For anyone curious about joining this month, the book is called The Fire Keeper’s Daughter.
“We are having a field trip on [that book]…so we’re going ice skating and stuff like that,” Hall said.
Hall is very passionate about getting people into books.
“My favorite part about book club is getting people to love reading again. Because now with social media, everyone is so used to getting information so quickly that reading has been a low priority,” Hall said.
As mentioned in the beginning, book club would love to have anyone join. Book club is a great way to stay involved and is a place to discuss all things books.