Fall Break Rolls Back to LSN

Story & Graphic by Mia Fuller – News Editor
A staple tradition at LSN and most schools across the country, schools get a small relief break in the fall weeks before the traditional Thanksgiving break. During this time some schools hold parent-teacher conferences while students get the chance to kick back and relax. LSR7’s fall break is October 26th-28th. Isaac McBurney, senior, is one of those students who will get to relax. While a break is always welcomed McBurney so far has been enjoying his senior year.
“I’m liking all of my classes and my teachers, but kinda sad that this is my last year in high school,” McBurney said.
One of the things McBurney is looking forward to most about fall break is the chance to sleep in and relax.
“I’m really excited to sleep. I don’t have a lot of plans made, so the rest will be nice,” McBurney said.
Another thing that McBurney plans to do over fall break is to attend the dress rehearsals for Matilda: The Musical which premieres the same weekend as fall break. While McBurney is thankful for the break, he does feel like there is room for improvement, mainly for teachers.
“I really wish it was the whole week, because I know, like students, teachers [need] some time off, and I don’t think that a long weekend is enough compared to the 5 days we get,” McBurney said.
As the colder weather continues in Lees Summit next week, make sure to stay warm and enjoy the break as McBurney is.