One Act Festival Returns to LSN

Story by Mia Fuller – News Editor
The One Act Festival, brought to stage by all three high schools: LSN, LSHS and LSW has been around for years, and it is now time for it to return to the district. The festival is set to premiere on December 1st & 2nd at 7:00 p.m. right here at LSN. This year LSN’s Repertory Theatre class is putting on a one-act based on C.S. Lewis’s The Magician’s Nephew, a prequel to the iconic book: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The one-act written by Aurand Harris, put on with special permission from Dramatic Publishing, is set to be directed by Geoff Bear, senior. Typically on stage acting, directing is a new, if not welcomed, change for Bear.
“The best part of being a co-director is that I am able to create my own vision for the show. and get feedback from the other co-director,” Bear said.
Although enjoyable, being a director does not come without its challenges.
“[One] challenge is getting the set together and making sure it is ready to go [for the show],” Bear said.
With the show just around the corner, Bear is grateful for his experience directing as he now better understands all the hardships and difficulties that come with directing the show. Though despite the challenges and learning curve that Bear has faced, he would like to have the opportunity to direct another show in the future.
“I like putting my own ideas into reality and I enjoy creating new environments for shows,” Bear said on the matter.
Another principal element of any show, are its actors. Rory Matthews, junior, will play the roles of both the crazy Uncle Andrew and the stoic lion, Aslan.
A key part of the rehearsal process for any show is memorization, and Matthews is putting in the work that is required to pull off the characters.
“To prepare for the show I’ve been looking over my lines….I’ve used practically every bronco time the past couple of weeks just to stay on top of it,” Matthews said.
A new challenge that the show brings for Matthews is to test their ability to play two characters within the same show.
“The difficulty with two different characters is completely changing your stage presence. First I have to be a crazy old man, then suddenly I have to be a lion with the vocabulary of a Bible character,” Matthews said.
While playing two characters comes with its own set of difficulties, Matthews is excited to work on and bring Aslan to life, especially the first lines that require a new burst of energy to be brought on stage.
As the show night gets closer and closer both Matthews and Bear continue to work hard and do their absolute best to make sure the show goes off without a hitch when it premiers on December 1st & 2nd.
Graphic courtesy of LSN Theatre Dept.