Bronco Time “Club Day” This Week

Story by Kate Gerding – Staff Reporter
Do not miss out on Club Day this Friday, December 9th. Once a month, students have the opportunity to participate in a club during Bronco Time. There is a wide range of clubs that fit many different interests so there should be something for everyone.
Dr. Sarah Graff, assistant principal, has helped to organize and set up the Club Days this year. The goal for Club Day was to include and get as many people involved as possible.
“We started doing Club Days to build a sense of community and get students more involved in the school and with each other and to have some fun,” Dr. Graff said.
In order to accommodate everyone’s personalities and talents, there are many different clubs students can be a part of.
“We have chess club, fashion club, black student union, getaway party, people that do legos, movies, board games, all sorts of things,” Dr. Graff said.
Earlier this week, teachers filled out a form about what club they would be offering. Lauren Hollingsworth, history teacher, is providing a space for the Fiber Arts Club.
“Anyone is welcome who wants to learn how to crochet or knit, or work on a project they have already started,” Hollingsworth said.
Although she personally does not know how to crochet, Hollingsworth says she enjoys learning and watching other students be creative.
“I love that this opportunity gives students time and space to share their interests and talents with other students. It is refreshing to interact with students regarding a topic that is unrelated to what you normally teach,” Hollingsworth said.
There are many benefits of getting involved in school clubs and activities, and Club Day during bronco time is no exception.
“They can get to know other students, they can get to know other teachers, and they can become involved in activities that they didn’t know we had,” Dr. Graff said.
If students need more information about Club activities or still need to decide where to go, there are several ways to get what they need.
“There’s a link in the mentoring courses that has all of the activities that are posted for that day. There’s also posters in the hallways that they can reference,” Dr. Graff said.
It is not too late to sign up for a club. Just fill out the form in the mentoring course and you are all set.