Yoga in Downtown Lee’s Summit

Story & Photo by Kate Gerding – Staff Reporter
With finals and the holidays just around the corner, this time of year can be very stressful. But, yoga studio, Megans’s Yoga Tribe, located right in the heart of Lee’s Summit might be just the thing you need. There are so many classes available for anyone who wants to relax and have fun and it is especially cool being downtown during the holidays.
“The lights are so festive, and the atmosphere is so welcoming and homey,” Lindsey Mais, yoga instructor, said.
Besides it being a place full of holiday spirit, it is also very stress relieving. During finals week, it is important for high school students to be at their best. Yoga is a great way to take a break for a minute and rest.
“I firmly believe when you quiet the mind, and actually relax and listen, you’re able to use more discernment in making decisions and choices,” Mais said.
Signing up for classes is very user-friendly and can be found on their website. Mais strongly encourages students to take advantage of this opportunity.
“It helps to calm you…I think it’s vital and I wish I would have had it when I was in high school,” Mais said.