NHS Blood Drive

Story & Photo by Kate Gerding – Staff Reporter
Mark your calendars for the 2023 NHS Blood Drive. On Feb. 15 from 8:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. there will be a blood donation center set up in the auxiliary gym. Leza Palguta, NHS sponsor, is in charge of organizing the blood drive this year.
“We partner with the community blood center which the blood that we donate goes to local hospitals so we are helping people right here in Lee’s Summit,” said Palguta.
This year in particular, NHS is really encouraging people to donate.
“They are running at a huge shortage, especially after covid…Just one donation can save up to three people,” said Palguta.
The other two high schools in Lee’s Summit are also doing a blood drive. The goal is to have the most donations out of the other schools.
“Last year, we barely beat Lee’s Summit West and Lee’s Summit beat us. This year, we’re going for over a hundred donations so we need everybody to sign up as soon as possible,” Palguta said.
Although they would love for everyone to be able to donate, there are some requirements.
“If you are 17 or older you can sign up to donate blood without a permission slip. If you are 16 and your parents sign a permission slip, you can donate,” Palguta said.
For anyone interested, there is a flyer with the website and other information.
“It’s on the website, you can just sign yourself up for a spot to donate,” Palguta said.
Besides being for a good cause, donating blood comes with some perks.
“You get snacks, you get to miss class, and you get a free t-shirt. It’s a really cool atmosphere and it does make you feel good, you’re doing something to help people out,” Palguta said.