New Student Teacher for AS World History

Story & Photo by Areesa Steele – Social Media Editor
Many schools participate in having student teachers, right now one of the student teachers is Julie Sexton. Ms. Sexton is a history student teacher for Kate Rowan. Student teachers have always had an important role in the classroom.
“I help plan for class, grade papers, and do the lectures sometimes,” Sexton said.
Not only is a student teacher’s role to help in the classroom, show their skills, and practice what it will be like teaching in the future, it’s also about the student teacher and student relationship. Ms. Sexton has displayed an amazing job at being present with the students and working well with them.
“She’s really relaxed and very chill, which I think helps a lot of students. She also works well with students and is always ready to get started and work hard,” Rowan said.
Being able to connect with the students is something that is very important to Ms. Sexton. It is important to Ms. Sexton, but it is also important to Ms. Rowan. Ms. Rowan tries her best to help Ms. Sexton succeed and grow into a proficient teacher.
“I observe here and watch her to examine her and give her notes and help coach her. I also take some time to plan for the future and what she and I need to work on next,” Rowan said.
Choosing what subject you want to teach is also a big choice. For Ms. Sexton, she realized her love for history when she did not quite enjoy the other subjects like she did history.
“I love getting to finally take what I learned for four years and put it to use,” Sexton said.
Ms. Sexton wants to be able to use what she has learned in the past to be able to help educate students. Another big decision for Ms. Sexton is where she would like to teach after student teaching. Although she went to Lee’s Summit High School, she’s planning on going somewhere out of the district.
“I think going to high school here, I kind of want to leave [the district],” Sexton said.
Ms. Sexton has a huge job as a student teacher. Ms. Rowan and a lot of students are acknowledging how good of a student teacher Ms. Sexton is.