Girls Swim Breaks School Record

Story by Abby Langle – Editor-in-Chief
Recently the girls LSN swim team traveled to Columbia, Missouri to compete in a swim meet at the University of Missouri. The North 200 free relay team consists of Anna Hess, Lillie Zoller, Myah Frashier and Iyana Foster. In the 200 free relay, everyone on the relay team does a 50-meter freestyle as fast as they can, the original school record was 1:41:57 and the team set the new record by finishing in 1:39:31.
“It’s such an exciting and confidence boosting experience. I was a part of the relay team that broke it my freshman year and being able to break it not only twice but three times was amazing. And I have no doubt that we’ll continue to break that record throughout the remainder of the season,” Anna Hess, senior, said.
Hess has been a part of the LSN varsity swim team since her freshman year and has been swimming competitively since she was 10. She is planning to further her swimming career at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
While Hess has been swimming on the North team all four years, she has not swam with the same teammates the whole time.
“I broke the record alongside my best friends I’ve been swimming with for 3-4 years. I’yana Foster is new to the LSN team, but I’ve swam with her in club swimming. The other two relay members, Lillie Zoller and Myah Frashier, I’ve been swimming with since their freshman year,” Hess said.
This is a great accomplishment for this team. As they continue and wrap up the end of their season we wish them the best of luck and hope for some more school record-breaking times in the future.
Photo courtesy of LSN Swim Twitter