Junior/Senior Prom – May 6

Story by Lily Temple – Assistant Editor
As May approaches, questions about Prom begin to arise. Questions like time, location, and where to buy tickets are all things that are on the mind of juniors and seniors as the date gets closer and closer.
Prom is on Saturday, May 6th from 8pm-11pm. It will be at the John Knox Pavillion near downtown Lee’s Summit. The theme of this year’s prom is Purple Rain.
Tickets are on sale now on the LSN website. Ticket sales will close on Friday, May 5th and tickets will not be sold at the door. They are $25 each. To get into prom students will need to have their student ID or have filled out a guest form in advance if they are bringing a date that is not an LSN student. Guest forms can be found in the office and need to be turned in to Terri Clements.
Prom royalty will be announced at the pep assembly this Friday! Prom is approaching quickly so make sure to start preparing by getting all the information you need to know!