NHS Teacher Snack Cart

Story & Photo by Kate Gerding – Feature/News Editor
Parent-teacher conferences are just around the corner. Starting Wednesday of next week, students are off school, and teachers will be busy prepping for conferences that are on October 26 and 27.
“We do parent-teacher conferences because it’s a good chance for teachers to talk to parents about how their students are doing in class. It’s a good checkpoint,” Josh Keeney, math teacher, said.
For teachers, parent-teacher conferences can be very stressful. However, NHS is planning ways to support the staff throughout next week. Keeney is in charge of the Teacher Appreciation Committee for NHS and shared what they have in the works.
“We’re doing a snack cart for the teachers…we’re going to push it up and down the hallway seeing if teachers need a little candy, a little salty snack, anything they need to keep them going through the day,” Keeney said.
The snack cart is highly anticipated by teachers. Keeney was also in charge of the snack cart last year and said it was a big hit.
“It went over really well. Teachers are hungry so we ran out of snacks on the last day,” Keeney said.
All of the snacks on the cart are donated by NHS members. They often get requests for what kinds of snacks are most popular.
“We get the most requests for gum and mints but to be honest with you I feel like the chocolate is what goes the quickest,” Keeney said.
However, the snack cart isn’t the only thing NHS does to help support teachers.
“For teachers who have kids, we also provide babysitting for those younger ones that you can’t leave at home, but you want to make sure that you can keep an eye on them,” Keeney said.
NHS plays a big role in helping parent-teacher conferences feel even a little bit better for the teachers and staff at our school.