A New Engineering Teacher

Story by Areesa Steele – Editor-in-Chief
This year, there are many new teachers in the LSR7 district. One of those new teachers at North is a new engineering teacher, Andrew Shockley. Being a new teacher comes with a lot of responsibility. Luckily, Shockley has been a teacher for 33 years so he knows what he is doing.
“I do demos for my students and show them different techniques to solve real-life problems. I also help my students with their projects and help with finding solutions to get better results,” Shockley said.
Behind all of the teaching experience, you have to go to school for it. Shockley went to a four-year college and majored in what most teachers do not major in.
“[I went to] Northwest MO State. BSED in Industrial Technology,” Shockley said.
Shockley has had a lot of experience in the teaching field. Before coming to North, he taught in Independence and Spring Hill, Kansas.
“I taught in Independence for 25 years until 2018. Then the last 5 years I taught in Spring Hill Kansas,” Shockley said.
With teaching, comes a lot of happy moments. In order to teach, you need to be able to enjoy the main part of the job, the kids.
“In general I like working with kids, and enjoy teaching the different skill sets for students to be successful. Since I live in Lee’s Summit, I especially enjoy watching students being successful in the community,” Shockley said.
Even though teaching can result in many happy moments, it can also result in parts teachers do not enjoy. Teachers like to have their privacy away from the kids they teach. This includes not seeing the kids they teach outside of the classroom.
“Along with living and working in the same committee I teach in. I see a lot of students out-n-about,” Shockley said.
A lot of teachers look for the importance in the education of their students. Shockley prefers that he have more money to spend on the education of the kids he teaches.
“Better equipment. I work with the best staff ever but since I’m a teacher the amount of money for my class is limited. I wish education could spend the same amount of money as industry,” Shockley said.
A lot of new teachers in the LSR7 district only know a few people. In order for new teachers to get connected, they often find activities or clubs to join.
“I have coached football, basketball, and have been involved in students competing in Industrial Technology contests,” Shockley said.
It is important to thank our teachers and all of the work they put into us. Not only are they putting time into our lives, but they are also trying to put time into their lives outside of school. Welcome the new teachers, and get to know them.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Shockley