Battle for the Colbern Cup

Story & Photo by Kate Gerding – Editor-in-Chief
The Colbern Cup is rapidly approaching, and the girls tennis team is ready to put up a fight. Each year, Grain Valley High School and Lee’s Summit North compete in a tennis match in hopes to take home a trophy. The Colbern Cup is not a normal tennis match. In a regular tournament, observers are encouraged to stay quiet in order to let the players focus. But, for the Colbern Cup, everyone is invited onto the courts to cheer on the players.
“It’s different than other ones because normally you have to be really quiet…so the Colbern Cup really gets players excited and active,” Nikki Wright, sophomore, said.
Nikki has been playing tennis for three years and is on Varsity this year. She is looking forward to competing with her teammates at the Colbern Cup.
“I’m really excited for the match play and the excitement of everyone there,” Wright said.
The team has had a lot of success so far this season and the Colbern Cup should be no exception.
“I think we’ll be great. We have really good team morale and we’re really close so I think it will be good,” Wright said.
The match will be held at the Lee’s Summit North tennis courts as soon as 2:20 p.m. so be sure to show up and support the Lady Broncos.