The Bronco Atmosphere

Story by Talon Cleveland – Feature Editor
The new school year has started and the school is full of new and returning faces.
“High school is different because we get to have our phones out during class without getting it taken, and we get to carry backpacks around,” Antonio Valdivia, freshman, said.
With different grades throughout the school everybody has different goals and hopes for this school year. For the younger students it is adjusting to the atmosphere and changes. But for the upperclassmen, they have the weight of figuring out life after high school.
“I plan to attend real estate school and get my license then attend college to get my master’s degree in communications,” Jodi Williams, senior, said.
Planning the future is not held only to upperclassmen. There will always be younger students who are prepared and ready to thrive in the future they make for themselves.
“I hope to read more books this year than I did last year and figure out what I want my career to be so I can be planning ahead for what classes to take in my remaining years as a Bronco,” Aly Lanier, sophomore, said.
After three weeks of school the students have had time to get in their groove and learn the best way to go about the year.
“Senior year has been a lot less stressful than the previous years which gave me the time to focus on planning my future,” Williams said.
Whether it’s finding the best way to avoid crowds in the halls, or trying to keep their grades up, the Broncos are ready to conquer this year.
Photo by Bailee Council – Assistant Editor