Update on Lee’s Summit North Wrestling Season

Story by Isabelle Flood – Social Media Editor
Lee’s Summit North winter sports is something that every student is looking forward to. While wrestling isn’t one of the most popular sports, there’s no doubt that they are very entertaining to watch. The LSN wrestlers are off to a strong start on their season.
“The season so far has been really good, my record is 21-13, and have placed at multiple tournaments,” Kale Lepert, junior, said.
There are a few duals and tournaments left of the regular season, then the athletes move on to post-season, District and State level tournaments. Placing at tournaments and getting to the state tournament is no easy feat.
“For the rest of the season we will have about 4-5 more duals and tournaments before Districts, and those who place top 4 at that tournament will move on to the State tournament,” Lepert said.
A lot goes on behind the scenes to get the wrestlers prepared for a match. Tough practices and reliable coaches is what gets these athletes ready.
“[Our coaches] know our goals and what we want to achieve and push us to get there. I prepare for matches getting my head in the right space and making sure I know what I’m going to do in the match,” Lepert said.
With the wrestling season starting to wind down, LSN students and staff are excited to see how they will finish out the regular season to go into Districts.
Photo courtesy of LSN Wrestling