The Ins and Outs of Fantasy Football

Story & Photo by Morgan Hill – Sports Editor


   Fantasy Football is a game that has been passed down from generation to generation, and is continuing to evolve and develop. The game involves picking players from the NFL to

The Concerts of Summer ‘24

Story by Isabelle Flood – Social Media Editor

 Screaming song lyrics and dancing to their favorite songs, most teenagers spent their summer with their favorite artists. Concerts took Summer ‘24 by storm with the large number of musical artists that

The Bronco Atmosphere

Story by Talon Cleveland –  Feature Editor

   The new school year has started and the school is full of new and returning faces. 

   “High school is different because we get to have our phones out during class without getting it

Battle for the Colbern Cup

Story & Photo by Kate Gerding – Editor-in-Chief

 The Colbern Cup is rapidly approaching, and the girls tennis team is ready to put up a fight. Each year, Grain Valley High School and Lee’s Summit North compete in a tennis

Say 你好! to the New Chinese Teacher

Story by Kay Haas – News Editor

  As the new school year kicks off, Lee’s Summit North welcomes many new teachers. One of them is Yanlan Jin, a Chinese teacher. 

   Jin was raised in China and took an interest in

Long Live the Teachers

Story by Kay Haas – Staff Reporter

 For the last pep assembly of the year, five sets of teachers were chosen to be candidates for teacher royalty. The pairs were Jennifer Belmore and Adrienne Ray, science teachers, Brad Ralston and

Another Year, Another Nerf War

Story & Graphic by Abbey Euritt – Co-Assistant Editor/Sports Editor

  Each spring, many schools participate in an event called “Nerf War” where two teams face each week and try to get the other out with Nerf guns. The game continues

Pink Out Game – LSN vs. LSW

Story & Photo by Morgan Hill – Staff Reporter

   Today is the annual Pink Out game between LSN and LSW girls soccer and is always a competitive and fun game.

   The Pink Out Game promises for a large crowd and