The effects of the Covid vaccine

Opinion story by Mia Gatti – Staff Reporter
Now that the Covid-19 vaccine has been released, how is it actually affecting people from a variety of age groups? Coming from a family that has been vaccinated, this vaccine has affected every single one of my family members differently. As we know there are two different vaccines that you can receive if you choose to. My family started off very hesitant about getting the vaccine not knowing how it would affect them but knew in the long run that it could prevent them from being carriers of the virus and would allow us to not spread it more. My mom and my grandma both received the Pfizer vaccine a couple of weeks ago and had very similar reactions to it.
They both felt a little weak and tired with a mild headache not feeling their best and knowing the vaccine had an effect on these slim symptoms. On the other hand, my grandpa and dad had been set up to receive the Moderna vaccine, and this one had a little different outcome. The first shot for my grandpa had zero symptoms and felt fine but after having his second shot he did not feel very good at all. The chills and slight fever did not last long but they were definitely worse for him than his first shot. My dad ended up having chills and fever for his first shot and feeling fine for his second shot.
This Covid-19 vaccine will certainly not affect everyone that chooses to take it the same, but if it is chosen to receive then it could also help to keep our family and friends safe and healthy.