Junior/Senior Prom to look different this year

Story by Abby Langle – Assistant Junior Editor
This year LSR-7 has made the decision that they are going to allow all three high schools prom. Although prom is going to look much different than previous years many of the students are excited they are going to have it.
In the past years prom has been held at John Knox but with covid in the way, they had to change up the venue.
“So many changes…for starters, it’s not at our typical location. This year it’s at Lee’s Summit North @ Bronco Stadium, meaning it will be will outside. And you can purchase ice cream from Betty Rae’s Ice Cream Truck at prom. Tickets are much cheaper this year,” Jessica Benus, family and consumer science teacher, said.
Many seniors this year never got to experience what prom is like since it was canceled last year. But many people have mixed feelings about if it was a good idea to have it or how it is going to turn out.
“I do think it is a good idea they are having prom because there are so many seniors who never got the chance to see what prom is like; even though this is going to be a different look to prom, I believe it is still a great opportunity,” Kristina Parrish, senior, said.
Just like every event happening this year there are new protocols that everyone has to follow.
“Students will choose groups of up to 10 people with to be in close or proximity with (like a prom group pod) and will be given an area of the football field to spend time in. Students will be expected to be masked at all times they are not eating. Additionally, students will be asked to be socially distanced whenever feasible,” Benus, said.
With covid, LSR-7 and the staff at North are trying to make the senior’s last few high school memories special. Even though this might not be the ideal prom it is still a prom that the seniors will never forget.